
Officials Certification

Certified Officials by Division or Team

2025 Training Events

Click on the event name to register for an event.

Name Date and time Event Type Notes
Advanced Referee Clinic (online) Mon, May 19, 7:00pm Advanced Referee Registration not yet open. Attendees must be current or certification just expiring ('23' or later) in both Referee and S&T in order to be eligible to attend. This clinic will provide recertification for Referee and S&T. This clinic will also recertify Starters whose certification is current or just expiring ('23' or later). Registrations will be checked to ensure attendees are eligible to attend.
Starter Clinic (online) Wed, May 21, 7:00pm Starter Registration not yet open. This clinic provides initial certification and recertification in the position of Starter.
Referee Clinic (online) Thu, May 22, 7:00pm Referee Registration not yet open. This clinic is provides initial certification and recertification for Referees. Clinic content is tailored toward Referees certifying for the first time. Those certifying as Referee for the first time must be a certified S&T for at least two years. Registrations will be checked to ensure attendees are eligible to attend.
Recertifying Stroke and Turn Clinic (online) Wed, May 28, 7:00pm Recertifying Stroke and Turn Registration not yet open. This clinic is for recertifying Stroke and Turn judges. Registrations will be checked to ensure attendees are eligible to attend.
Advanced Referee Clinic (online) Thu, May 29, 7:00pm Advanced Referee Registration not yet open. Attendees must be current or certification just expiring ('23' or later) in both Referee and S&T in order to be eligible to attend. This clinic will provide recertification for Referee and S&T. This clinic will also recertify Starters whose certification is current or just expiring ('23' or later). Registrations will be checked to ensure attendees are eligible to attend.
First-time Stroke and Turn Clinic (in-person) Sun, Jun 1, 8:00am New or Recertifying Stroke and Turn Clinic location: Olney Swim Center, 16605 Georgia Ave, Olney, MD. This clinic is tailored for Stroke and Turn officials certifying for the first time. Those certifying for the first time should attend. Recertifying officials are welcome to attend.
Recertifying Stroke and Turn Clinic (online) Sun, Jun 1, 7:00pm Recertifying Stroke and Turn Registration not yet open. This clinic is for recertifying Stroke and Turn judges. Registrations will be checked to ensure attendees are eligible to attend.
Starter Clinic (online) Tue, Jun 3, 7:00pm Starter Registration not yet open. This clinic provides initial certification and recertification in the position of Starter.
Referee Clinic (online) Wed, Jun 4, 7:00pm Referee Registration not yet open. This clinic is provides initial certification and recertification for Referees. Clinic content is tailored toward Referees certifying for the first time. Those certifying as Referee for the first time must be a certified S&T for at least two years. Registrations will be checked to ensure attendees are eligible to attend.
First-time Stroke and Turn Clinic (online) Thu, Jun 5, 7:00pm New or Recertifying Stroke and Turn Registration not yet open. This clinic is tailored for Stroke and Turn officials certifying for the first time. Those certifying for the first time should attend. Recertifying officials are welcome to attend.
First-time Stroke and Turn Clinic (in-person) Sun, Jun 8, 8:00am New or Recertifying Stroke and Turn Clinic location: Olney Swim Center, 16605 Georgia Ave, Olney, MD. This clinic is tailored for Stroke and Turn officials certifying for the first time. Those certifying for the first time should attend. Recertifying officials are welcome to attend.
Referee Clinic (online) Sun, Jun 8, 7:00pm Referee Registration not yet open. This clinic is provides initial certification and recertification for Referees. Clinic content is tailored toward Referees certifying for the first time. Those certifying as Referee for the first time must be a certified S&T for at least two years. Registrations will be checked to ensure attendees are eligible to attend.
Recertifying Stroke and Turn Clinic (online) Mon, Jun 9, 7:00pm Recertifying Stroke and Turn Registration not yet open. This clinic is for recertifying Stroke and Turn judges. Registrations will be checked to ensure attendees are eligible to attend.
"Last Chance" Stroke and Turn Clinic (online) Wed, Jun 11, 7:00pm New or Recertifying Stroke and Turn Registration not yet open. This clinic is for both first time and recertifying Stroke and Turn judges. This is the last Stroke and Turn Clinic for the season.